[AMBER] Amber 14 installation problems

From: ÍôС½§ <wangxiaojian.imm.ac.cn>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 03:07:29 +0000

To whom will be concerned

I brought Amber 14 recently, and encournter some problems about installation.

The system I used is Ubuntu 14.04.

I'm trying to install Amber14 following the instruction from the manual. When I type the order "./configure gnu".
It appeared :

"Configuring fftw-3.3 (may be time-consuming)...

    Error: FFTW configure returned 1
    FFTW configure failed! Check the fftw3_config.log file
    in the /home/f/amber14//AmberTools/src directory.
The fftw3_config.log indicted:
configure: error: cannot find sources (kernel/ifftw.h) in . or .."

I tried to reinstall the fftw, but also face the same problem. I changed another computer, also the same problems.

I hope you can provide the professional instruction to help us to install Amber14 successfully.


Xiaojian Wang

Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry
Institute of Materia Medica
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
1st Xian Nong Tan St.
Beijing, 100050
Tel: +86-10-63165248
E-mail: wangxiaojian.imm.ac.cn

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Received on Thu Nov 13 2014 - 19:30:02 PST
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