Re: [AMBER] Distance based mask for qmmask

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 20:53:45 -0700

Here's the official JCTC links for the two papers for those that are


All the best

On 7/30/13 8:42 PM, "Ross Walker" <> wrote:

>Yes it is there but it is:
>1) Only for waters
>2) Uses a hard cutoff at the QM/MM boundary - I.e. as a water leaves and a
>new water enters there is no accounting for this not being a smooth
>transition. This leads to discontinuities in the potential and hence
>instability unless a very tight thermostat is used. The best option is to
>use a proper transition region based adaptive approach that gives smooth
>potentials as a water molecule transitions from QM to MM.
>as well as
>JCTC 2009, 5, 2212
>And the AMBER adaptive QM/MM paper that should have been written by now
>(hint hint - names with-held to protect the guilty).
>All the best
>On 7/30/13 8:30 PM, "Jason Swails" <> wrote:
>>On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Ross Walker <>
>>> FYI - Adaptive QM/MM support will be part of the next version of AMBER.
>>> would have been available earlier but unfortunately NSF ran out of
>>> before they could fund our proposal for developing the method further.
>>But "variable solvent" is there, right? It appears to have a test case
>>Amber 12, and I couldn't find any reason why the code would trap it...
>>If all you need to do is swap solvent, you may be able to get away with
>>vsolv=1, but I'll defer to the experts on this one.
>>Jason M. Swails
>>Rutgers University
>>Postdoctoral Researcher
>>AMBER mailing list
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Received on Tue Jul 30 2013 - 21:00:06 PDT
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