[AMBER] GB protocol problems for large RNAs

From: Kasprzak, Wojciech (NIH/NCI) [C] <"Kasprzak,>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:02:28 -0400

 Dear AMBER users,

  I am attempting to move from an explicit solvent protocol (working, but slow) to
the GB simulations for large, multi-chain RNA structures (~260-300nt, with a diameter
in excess of 120A), using Amber10 (sander.MPI).

  I adapted a multi-step protocol, starting with minimization, and
following with five steps; first heating to 300K and four MD runs with diminishing
constraints applied to all the nucleotides (holding at 2.0, 1.0, 0.5. 0.1), all adding up
to 500ps of simulation time. The minimized and equilibrated structures are very similar,
and don't raise any concerns upon examination. However, within the first few hundred
steps of the production MD run, the whole structure inflates rapidly, the helices flatten
(unwind) and the chains barely hold together (for igb=1) or fall apart (igb=2).

The production MD run results indicate some fundamental problems with the input
parameters I am using, but I don't see what is wrong (samples appended below)
after comparing them to the GB tutorials I found on the web. One difference is ntx=5,
instead of ntx=1 (tutorials); another is use of Berendsen, rather than Langevin

I would appreciate comments/corrections on the parameters used, and general comments
on the applicability of the GB method to large RNA molecules.

Best regards, Voytek Kasprzak

1. LeAP script input
  source leaprc.ff99bsc0
  set default PBradii mbondi
  mol-loadpdb file.pdb
  saveAmberParm mol file-amb.prmtop file-amb.inpcrd
  savepdb mol file-amb.pbd

2. Minimization input:

   imin=1, ntx=1, drms=0.01,
   irest=0, ntxo=1,
   ntpr=100, ntwx=100, ntwe=100,
   maxcyc=20000, ncyc=1000,
   igb=1, saltcon=1.0, ntt=0, offset=0.13,
   gbsa=1, ntb=0,

3. Heating
   imin=0, ntx=1,
   irest=0, ntxo=1,
   cut=999, tempi=0.0,
   ntpr=500, ntwx=500, ntwe=500,
   nstlim=100000, tautp=0.5, temp0=300.0,
   dt=0.001, nscm=100,
   igb=1,ntb=0, saltcon=0.5, gbsa=1,
   ntt=1, nsnb=20, offset=0.13, ntr=1,
RES 1 264

4. MD with constraints (last of 4 phases shown):
   imin=0, ntx=5,
   irest=1, ntxo=1,
   cut=999, tempi=300.0,
   ntpr=1000, ntwx=1000, ntwe=1000,
   nstlim=100000, tautp=2, temp0=300.0,
   dt=0.001, nscm=100,
   igb=1, ntb=0, saltcon=0.5, gbsa=1,
   ntt=1, nsnb=20, offset=0.13, ntr=1,
RES 1 264

5. MD input (things go awry v. quickly)
 MD-RUN GBSA production run with Berendsen thermostat (ntt=1)
   irest=1, ntxo=1,
   igb=1, cut=999, gbsa=1, ntb=0, saltcon=0.5,
   ntt=1, temp0=300.0, tempi=300.0,
   dt=0.001, nscm=100,
   ntpr=1000, ntwx=1000, ntwe=1000,
   nsnb=20, offset=0.13, tautp=2,

Wojciech (Voytek) Kasprzak [Contractor]
Analyst Programmer,
Basic Science Program, SAIC-Frederick, Inc.
National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Frederick, MD
(301) 846 5537
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Sep 22 2011 - 09:30:03 PDT
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