Re: [AMBER] Distorted waters in restrained mini

From: Carlos Simmerling <>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 08:18:04 -0400

How did you make these have a "normal" geometry? What commands or parameters
do this?
On Aug 3, 2011 3:59 PM, "Maura Catherine Mooney" <>
> Hi Prof Case,
> The prmtop was constructed in xleap from a stripped pdb file. I created a
lib file using RESP charges generated with amber then neutralized and
solvated. The four crystal waters, I think, are important for metal
coordination and I wanted to eventually treat this region with qm (along
with a ligand). Therefore I thought it best to model these 4 waters with the
'normal' geometry, as opposed to the three-bond model. Do you have any
advice in this case? Also I attempted the rdparm command on my prmtop and I
thought the output was strange...see below:
> ==========================================
> RDPARM MENU: angles :WAT
> Mask [:WAT] represents 28557 atoms
> Angle Kthet degrees atom names (numbers)
> ===========================================
> Does this indicate something strange? From looking at the prmtop file, I
can see the residue names WAT...but I'm not sure why it is not printing
these out.
> Thanx,
> Maura
> ________________________________________
> From: David Case []
> Sent: 03 August 2011 03:43
> To: AMBER Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [AMBER] Distorted waters in restrained mini
> On Aug 2, 2011, at 6:11 PM, Maura Catherine Mooney <>
>> Thanx for the speedy reply. When modeling cryst waters, is it best to use
the triangular water model, where the two H's are bonded together?
> Yes, it is best to treat all waters the same, as rigid, three-bond
objects. All of the coomon water models (TIPx) require this. This isnwhybI
asked how you had made your prmtop file.
> ...dac
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