RE: AMBER: Hybrid REMD amber10

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 08:51:13 -0700

Hi Geoff,


Adrian or Carlos may be able to comment more definitively on this but I
think this essentially means that the GB radii are required � obviously to
do the hybrid part of the REMD � even though this is a solvated prmtop file.
This should always be true since I believe leap always writes the radii to
the prmtop file even if you solvated it. (%FLAG RADII)


The key point though I think is that you need to consider what GB model you
will use as part of the REMD when creating the prmtop file. I.e. if you plan
to use GB=1 or 7 then you are fine with the defaults but if you want to use
GB=2 or 5 then you need to execute �set default PBradii mbondi2� in leap
before saving the prmtop file.


All the best




From: [] On Behalf Of
Geoff Wood
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 5:42 AM
Subject: AMBER: Hybrid REMD amber10


Dear Amber users,


In amber10 the hybrid remd calculations have become a lot more
user-friendly, which is great. However, in the manual it states "In
particular this means that

the correct GB radii must be specified in the fully solvated topology file,"
I was wondering if anyone could elaborate on this?


Thanks in advance.



Dr Geoffrey Wood

Ecole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne


BCH 4108
tel: +41 21 693 03 23

CH - 1015 Lausanne e-mail:



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