Re: Need help recompiling

From: <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 08:14:06 -0700 (PDT)

You need to use the supplied "make" commands.
Simply saying "g77 locmem.f" will NOT work.

just do "make install" after you have edited
the file you want to change.


On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Peter Anderson wrote:

> Dear Amber Users,
> I have modified the file /src/sander/locmem.f of AMBER
> 7 in order to correct a "Non bond list overflow"
> problem. Specifically, I changed the denominator in
> line 479 of locmem.f to 2.5 from its original value of
> 3.5.
> My problem is that I cannot recompile the modified
> source code. I'm using Redhat Linux 7.3 / AMD
> processors and have used the commands $ f77 locmem.f
> and $ g77 locmem.f. Each time, I received a long list
> of error messages stating, for instance, "Invalid
> declaration of or reference to symbol `cutoffnb' at
> (^) [initially seen at (^)]
> locmemalt.f:479:
> maxpr_float = natom * (cutoffnb +
> skinnb)**3 / 2.5d0" Each error message started out
> with "Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol
> ...."
> Does anyone know what may be causing these error
> messages, and how I can recompile the locmem.f file?
> Thanks for your help,
> Peter Anderson
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James W. Caldwell                         (voice) 415-476-8603
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry    (fax)   415-514-3866  
UCSF Box 2240                             (email)
600 16th Street
University of California
San Francisco, CA 94143-2240
Received on Mon Jun 02 2003 - 16:53:02 PDT
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