Dear Ireena,
since you are using the setenv command, it seems you are using csh or
tcsh (the common shells on SGI and Sun), so you might add that command
to the .cshrc file (the user's shell initialization file) in your home
directory. Alternatively, you can add that line to the system-wide
initialization file /etc/cshrc, so that the variable will be available
for all users.
Hope this help,
ciao, Andrea
Ireena Bagai wrote:
> Dear Amber users,
> I am facing problem in setting up AMBERHOME. As I go by the
> procedure mentioned in AMBER tutorial- on typing
> echo $AMBERHOME ---- it displays---
> AMBERHOME:undefined variable.
> After that i , I give "setenv" and "set path" commands and then on
> "echoing", it doesn't say "unknown variable'.
> But, everytime i logout and then login, i have to set up the environment
> again, its not retaining permanently.
> Kindly suggest the possible solution.
> Thanks.
> Regards
> ireena.
Andrea Bernini, Dr
Molecular Biology Dept.
University of Siena
Via Fiorentina 1, 53100 Siena, Italy
Phone +39 577 234911
Fax +39 577 234903
Received on Tue Apr 24 2001 - 07:08:08 PDT