[AMBER] Amber 24: gamd-restart.dat + frozen jobs

From: Morad Mustafa via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 06:08:30 +0300

Dear Amber Experts,

I used Amber 20 for running parallel GAMD simulations and I did not encounter any issue.
But when using the same simulation scripts on Amber 24, I have encountered these issues
     * gamd-restart.dat file is not generated: Please see the gamd equilibration script.
     * Randomly, few jobs are frozen (jobs are running but no outputs are generated): Please
see the error messages from SLURM system.

Will you please help me solving these issues.

*Equilibration Script:*
Equilibration NpT (93 ns): Distance restraint
!! [General minimization and dynamics parameters]
!! General flags describing the calculation & Energy minimization
  imin = 0,
  nmropt = 1,
!! Energy minimization
  ! maxcyc = 1,
  ! ncyc = 10,
  ! ntmin = 1,
  ! drms = 0.00010,
!! Nature and format of the input
  ntx = 5,
  irest = 1,
!! Nature and format of the output
  ntpr = 5000,
  ! ntwr = nstlim,
  ! iwrap = 0,
  ! ntwx = 0,
  ! ntwv = 0,
  ! ntwf = 0,
  ! ntwe = 0,
  ! ntwprt = 0,
!! Restrained atoms
  ! ntr = 0,
  ! restraint_wt = 0.0,
  ! restraintmask = "",
!! Molecular dynamics
  nstlim = 46500000,
  nscm = 1000,
  ! t = 0.0,
  dt = 0.002,
!! Temperature regulation
  ntt = 3,
  tempi = 310.0,
  temp0 = 310.0,
  gamma_ln = 5.0,
!! The “middle” scheme: can not be used with ntp > 0
  ! ischeme = 1,
  ! ithermostat = 1,
  ! therm_par = 5,
!! Pressure regulation
  ntp = 1,
  barostat = 1,
  pres0 = 1.0,
  taup = 1.0,
!! Surface tension regulation
  ! csurften = 0,
  ! gamma_ten = 0.0,
  ! ninterface = 2,
!! SHAKE bond length constraints
  ntc = 2,
!! Potential function parameters
  ntf = 2,
  ntb = 2,
  cut = 8.0,

!! Gaussian Accelerated Molecular Dynamics: It is not available in Sander
  igamd = 3,
  iE = 1,
  ntcmdprep = 1000000,
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Received on Sat Jun 22 2024 - 20:30:02 PDT
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