Dear Amber Developers and Users,
I have been attempting the Amber tutorial /"Placing waters and ions
using 3D-RISM and MOFT"
/(, using
Amber 22. I get the following error when running `metatwist` to place
water oxygens:
terminate called after throwing an instance of
what(): boost::too_many_args: format-string referred to fewer
arguments than were passed
I could replicate the error on various OpenSUSE and RockyLinux machines.
The error appears just as the first element of the "blobs" is being
printed, and points to an error in the format string.
I could not fix the error by forcing the internal Boost libraries as
suggested in
There indeed appears to be missing element in the format string at line
1484 of the file AmberTools/src/moft/metatwist/Density.hpp ; adding an
additional element fixed the problem for me.
Lorenzo Cupellini
Dr. Lorenzo Cupellini
Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Università di Pisa
Via Moruzzi 13
56124 PISA (Italy)
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Mar 14 2024 - 07:30:02 PDT