[AMBER] Adding new atom type in PARMCHK.DAT

From: Priyasha Majee via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 19:53:02 +0530

Dear All,

I am working with DNA with some modifications. I need to find the
missing parameters for the incorporated modification. For that I am
using parmchk2 command but i am getting warning which goes like this.

Warning: Atom type (CI) is not in PARMCHK.DAT; using default values
          for improper_flag [0], group_id [0], and equivalent_flag [0].
          It is recommended to add the new atom type (CI) to PARMCHK.DAT.

my input goes like this:

parmchk2 -i CT-A_m1-c1_m2-c1.mol2 -f mol2 -o output.frcmod -p

How can I resolve this?

I checked the ff14SB library. it has CI sp3. but in my case it is CI
sp2. Where am i going wrong?

Thank you in advance for the guidance

Priyasha Majee
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Aug 28 2023 - 07:30:02 PDT
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