[AMBER] Atom mask corresponded to first or last residues

From: Enrico Martinez via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2023 16:10:54 +0200

Dear Amber users!

I would like to perform some basic structural analysis considering
only small fragment of the protein corresponding to the 15 residues
located either in the N or C terminal part. Could you suggest me a
atom mask than could select N first or N last residues (without
definition of the residue numbering) which could be used e.g. for
Radius of Gyration calculations:

# calculate rG of the last 10 residues

rog rg Ntermi :-10.CA out output.xvg time 0.05

Many thanks in advance


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Received on Fri Jul 07 2023 - 07:30:03 PDT
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