[AMBER] Fwd: Query regarding restarting the replica exchange molecular dynamics simulation

From: Munazzah Fatima Ansari via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 18:30:28 +0530

Hello Experts,

I was running the REMD simulation. But due to some reasons it stopped.
Now I want to restart the simulation again. For restarting the
simulation I made the new input file same as the previous one, only
difference is that in place of ig = RANDOM_NUMBER I used ig = -1 for all
12 replicas in remd1.mdin file.
  My remd1.mdin.001 file is given below:


   imin = 0,
    irest = 1,

    ntx = 5,

    ntt = 3,
    gamma_ln = 2.0,
    temp0 = 300.00,
    ig = -1,

    ntc = 2,
    ntf = 2,
    ntb = 0,

   igb = 5,
    cut = 999.0,
    rgbmax = 999.0,

    ntpr = 5000,
    ntwx = 5000,
    ntwr = 5000,

    nmropt = 1,
    nscm = 500,

    numexchg = 10000,
    nstlim = 25000,
    dt = 0.002,
  &wt TYPE='END'

Then in remd1.groupfile I use -A flag in order to append output to
existing output files.
The command in groupfile for 12 replicas given below :

-A -rem 1 rem.log -i remd1.mdin.001 -o remd.mdout.001 -c remd.rst.001 -r
remd.rst.001 -x remd.mdcrd.001 -inf remd.mdinfo.001 -p 1urr.prmtop

Then I run this job with the command:

nohup mpirun -np 12 sander.MPI -ng 12 -groupfile remd1.groupfile &

But it is overwriting in output file, I am attaching the output file
named as remd.mdout.001.

When I use the same command with pmemd.cuda.MPI in place of sander.MPI
then it returns,

Running multipmemd version of pmemd Amber22
     Total processors = 12
     Number of groups = 12

   unknown flag: -A

   usage: pmemd [-O] -i mdin -o mdout -p prmtop -c inpcrd -r restrt
               [-ref refc -x mdcrd -v mdvel -frc mdfrc -e mden -inf
mdinfo -l logfile]
               [-ng numgroups -groupfile groupfile -rem remd_method]
               [-rremd rremd_type -reservoir reservoir.nc]
               [-hybridsolvent_remd_traj hybridsolvent_remd_traj_name]
               [-amd amdlog_name -gamd gamdlog_name -scaledMD
scaledMDlog_name -suffix output_files_suffix]
               [-sf sfout_name]

   unknown flag: -A

   unknown flag: -A

   unknown flag: -A

   unknown flag: -A

Unknown flag for all 12 replica. I am not understanding why simulation
is not run with -A flag for appending the output and why simulation is
not running with pmemd.cuda.MPI and why it is overwriting the output
file as I use -A flag for append?

Thanking you

Munazzah Fatima Ansari
Ph.D Scholar

AMBER mailing list

Received on Wed Apr 26 2023 - 06:30:02 PDT
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