Re: [AMBER] Cpptraj for loops and dataset operations

From: James Kress via AMBER <>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 17:25:04 -0500

Do we get the updated Cpptraj when we run amber_update?


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Roe via AMBER <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 12:31 PM
To: Pietro ARONICA <>; AMBER Mailing List
Subject: Re: [AMBER] Cpptraj for loops and dataset operations


I've implemented this in the GitHub version of cpptraj
( as of version 6.16.1. There is a new
for loop keyword called 'indata' which will allow you to loop over elements
of a data set. For your example you would use something like:

readdata res.dat name resi intcols 1
for i indata resi:1
  h = $i - 1
  dihedral :$h.C :$i.N :$i.CA :$i.C out dihe_$i.dat done

If you don't want to have to define the dihedrals explicitly you could use
multidihedral, e.g.

readdata res.dat name resi intcols 1
for i indata resi:1
  multidihedral phi resrange $i out dihe_$i.dat done

Hope this helps. Let me know how it works for you! Thanks again for the


On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 8:07 AM Daniel Roe <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the delay in replying. I kept trying to figure out if there
> is a way to do what you want, but I don't think there is yet! You can
> loop over atoms/residues/molecules, files, lists, etc. but not
> elements of a dataset (which is an oversight on my part!). It's a
> great idea and I'll work on getting it implemented ASAP. I've created
> an issue on GitHub to track it here:
> Thanks for the suggestion!
> -Dan
> On Fri, Nov 25, 2022 at 1:13 AM Pietro ARONICA via AMBER
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Dear all,
> > I am having a hard time understanding how to use datasets and for loops
work in cpptraj.
> > I have a pdb named file.pdb. I can calculate using the nativecontacts
command all residues in mask1 that are within 6 A of mask2 with a command
like this:
> >
> > nativecontacts :mask1 :mask2 distance 6 resout res.dat
> >
> > The first column of res.dat contains the residue numbers I am
> > interested in. I have read in this file with
> >
> > readdata res.dat name resi
> >
> > What I would like to do at this point is calculate dihedrals of residues
that are match the distance criteria I set before, ie those in the first
column of res.dat. It is my understanding that resi:1 contains these data
points but I do not understand how to extract them or use them.
> > In my mind, the for loop would look a little bit like this:
> >
> > for i in resi:1
> > dihedral :($i-1).C :$i.N :$i.CA :$i.C out dihe_$i.dat done
> >
> > It would loop over the elements of the data set, using that number for
the mask of the dihedral I want to calculate. I would also want to do some
operations on the values.
> > However, I am unable to use the dataset in any way like that. If I just
use the data set on the command line, it gives this:
> >
> > > resi:1
> > [resi:1]
> > Result: 0.000000
> >
> > which I am unsure how to interpret. I know the data is somewhere within
that dataset because if I use writedata it will produce a text file with all
the data points as I expect them.
> > Can anyone explain to me how data sets are used and accessed and
possibly used in for loops?
> > Kind regards
> > Pietro Aronica
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