[AMBER] Segmentation Fault During Minimization in Sander.MPI

From: Nathan Black via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 12:45:26 -0500

Hello AMBER Users,

I am experiencing an issue with minimization using sander.MPI. It gives a
segmentation fault error, and when I go to read the corresponding
minimization mdout file, the last lines are in Section 3:

time read from input coords = 0.000 ps Number of triangulated 3-point
waters found: 1396247*

It may be worth mentioning that this simulation system (which I refer to as
*sdstest1* in all files) contains 125 surfactant molecules, 125 sodium
counterions, and 1.39 million TIP3P water molecules in a ~346 angstrom cube
(to create a 5 mM surfactant aggregation system)

I have also run a second test (*sdstest16*) corresponding to an 80 mM
surfactant solution (125 surfactant molecules, 125 sodium counterions, and
TIP3P water molecules in a ~137 angstrom cube) , which has successfully
completed minimization in sander.

In the sdstest16 minimization mdout file (successful), its section 3

time read from input coords = 0.000 ps Number of triangulated 3-point
waters found: 87040| Atom division among processors: | 0
11105 22208 33311 44414 55517 66620 77723| 88826 99929
 111032 122135 133238 144341 155444 166547| 177650 188753 199856
 210959 222062 233165 244268 255371| 266495 Sum of charges from
parm topology file = 0.00000043 Forcing neutrality...| Running
AMBER/MPI version on 24 nodes| WARNING: The number of processors is not
a power of 2| this may be inefficient on some systems.*

This leads me to believe that the segmentation fault for *sdstest1*
occurred while dividing atoms among processors. I have ruled out the
possibility that there are fewer available processors than requested (24),
as I ran sdstest1 on my computer which had 48 available processors at the
time of the run.

I have included all .inpcrd, .prmtop, minimization .mdin, minimization
.mdoutand command files for both sdstest1 and sdstest16. Any help/insight
as to why sdstest1 is failing minimization is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your continued help and support!
Nathan D. Black
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Aug 04 2022 - 13:32:59 PDT
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