Dear Amber User and Developer
I'm trying to install Amber20 on my machine using OS Ubuntu 22.04.
Usually when first installation I make updates by running ./update_amber
but the result are:
No new updates available for AmberTools 21
No new updates available for Amber 20
Then I'll try ./update_amber --check-updates (just to make sure). And the
result :
Available AmberTools 21 patches:
No patches available
Available Amber 20 patches:
No patches available
Is it normal or not ? Or because I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 ?
Because the run_cmake is also getting an error.
Can we install Amber20 and AmberTools21 in Ubuntu 22.04?
Thank you
Computational Biophysics Group,
Department of Physics, IPB University - Indonesia
Gedung Fisika Wing-S Lt.2 Jl. Meranti
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor - 16680
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Aug 04 2022 - 13:32:53 PDT