[AMBER] Frequency unit used for Oscillating electric field

From: Surajit Kalita <sk464.snu.edu.in>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 23:13:04 +0530

Dear AMBER users,

I am trying to apply an oscillating electric field to one of my systems. I
know how to use a static electric field in the MD simulation using the
command 'efx, efy, efz'. Similarly, I have found the command '*effreq*' for
applying frequency while using a static electric field. *However, I did not
find any default unit of the frequency in the manual yet. Would anybody
please help me in this regard?* I shall be grateful.

Many thanks in advance.

*With Kind Regards,*
*Surajit Kalita, *
*Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry,*
*School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University*

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Received on Thu Dec 23 2021 - 10:00:02 PST
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