Dear all,
I have generated a RNA sequence in tleap using the following command:source leaprc.RNA.ROC
m = sequence {OHE U C G}
savepdb m m.pdb
charge m
However, it shows the following warning:
Writing pdb file: m.pdb
Total unperturbed charge: -3.395000
Total perturbed charge: -3.395000
Checking Unit.
/home/sp1564/.conda/envs/AmberTools21/bin/teLeap: Warning!
The unperturbed charge of the unit (-3.395000) is not integral.
/home/sp1564/.conda/envs/AmberTools21/bin/teLeap: Warning!
The unperturbed charge of the unit (-3.395000) is not zero.
Are there any way to fix this issue?
Thanks and Regards,
Saikat Pal
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Oct 21 2021 - 09:00:02 PDT