Re: [AMBER] Error installing amber macOS M1

From: David A Case <>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2021 17:23:08 -0400

On Tue, Oct 05, 2021, Rodrigo da Silva Bitzer wrote:
>I gave up trying to use homebrew on M1 to build amber.
>Now, I am using cmake and gfortran installed from their repositories.

Can you say exactly what gfortran compiler you are using, i.e., where it
came from and what version it is? (This doesn't look like its related to

>However, I have new errors at this moment:
>[ 26%] Linking Fortran executable sander.LES
>Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
> "___builtin___clear_cache", referenced from:
> ___rism3d_closure_c_MOD_ljcorrection_int_ionic in librism.a(rism3d_closure_c.F90.o)
>ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

I had thought there were OSX/M1 afficionados on this list who could chime
in? (tec3?) I can only be of very generic help, since I don't have access
to an M1 box. We need an installation page for M1, but don't yet have one.


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Received on Tue Oct 05 2021 - 14:30:02 PDT
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