Re: [AMBER] Error installing amber macOS M1

From: David A Case <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 16:00:53 -0400

On Tue, Sep 28, 2021, Rodrigo da Silva Bitzer wrote:
>After paying careful attention to the update process, I have observed
>that update.1 has constantly failed. Please take a look the message
>$ ./update_amber --update
>Preparing to apply updates... please wait.
>Downloading updates for AmberTools 21
>Downloading AmberTools 21/update.1 (4.51 KB)
>Applying AmberTools 21/update.1
>/Users/rodrigobitzer/Documents/RESEARCH/MD/amber/amber20_src/updateutils/ PatchingWarning: Previously applied patch detected. Skipping.
> PatchingWarning)
>Downloading AmberTools 21/update.2 (3.09 KB)

What is in line 124 of sebomd_module.F90? Are there any other similar
warnings about other updates? Is there any chance that the message above is
correct, i.e. that somehow update.1 had already been applied?

Here's a test I did:

1. download update.1 from
2. untar the Amber21.tar.bz2
     cd amber20_src/AmberTools/src/sander
       (look at line 124 of sebomd_module.F90)
     cd ../../..
     patch -p0 < update.1
     cd AmberTools/src/sander
       (look at line 124 of sebomd_module.F90)

I got no errors from the patch command, and line 124 indeed was changed by it.

If possible, you might try to install and update AmberTools21 on a different
computer, just to see if that might provide any clues.


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Received on Tue Sep 28 2021 - 13:30:02 PDT
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