Re: [AMBER] Convert SIRAH coarse-grained model back to all-atomic pdb file format?

From: Charo del Genio <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 08:39:45 +0100

On 31/03/2021 07:39, Michael Shokhen wrote:
> Dear AMBER experts,
> The coarse-grained SIRAH force field is implemented in AMBER20.
> There are several tutorials also. Thanks to them I have converted
> PDB all-atomic structure of my protein to the SIRAH coarse-grained
> file format and successfully conducted molecular dynamics simulation.
> The problem is how to convert the final SIRAH coarse-grained
> file format of my protein back to all-atomic PDB file format.
> Unfortunately, this information is missed in AMBER SIRAH tutorials.
> Your help appreciated.
> Michael

Dear Michael,
        I have written a C code that backmaps SIRAH CG structures into FG ones, and I plan to publish it as part of a work that is still in progress. How urgently do you need the backmapping done?



Dr. Charo I. del Genio
Senior Lecturer in Statistical Physics
Applied Mathematics Research Centre (AMRC)
Design Hub
Coventry University Technology Park
Coventry CV1 5FB
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Mar 31 2021 - 01:00:02 PDT
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