In fact I made a clean ubuntu 20.04 and build amber20 without any problem.
I think it's important to use not use it as superuser, normal user there
is no problem
Le 29/03/2021 à 14:28, David A Case a écrit :
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021, Hrishikesh Dhondge wrote:
>> I was also having some issues with the compilation. Have you tried to
>> compile with superuser access?
>> For me, it worked when I tried as a superuser from my system. Hope it helps!
> Just a note that we (Amber developers) encourage people *not* to make use of
> superuser privleges. They are not needed if you install in a location where
> you have write access.
> We are not aware of any dangerous glitches in the installation scripts, but
> the procedure is quite involved, and some steps depend on the environment
> that is found. You are exposing yourself to extra risks by installing as a
> superuser.
> There are cases where a superuser approach is appropriate, but they are not
> common.
> ....dac
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