Re: [AMBER] technical problems with installing amber20

From: Игорь Злотников <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2021 23:29:34 +0300

   Good evening!

   Problem was solved. In some files, it was necessary to add the c++ library
   #include <strings.h>


   Ð¡ Ñважением,

   ÐлоÑников ÐгоÑÑ




   27.01.2021, 23:23, "David A Case" <>:

     On Wed, Jan 27, 2021, ÐгоÑÑ ÐлоÑников wrote:

     Â Â Â CMake Error: The current CMakeCache.txt directory
     Â Â Â /home/igorzlotnikov_2204/_scratch/data/amber20_src/build/CMakeCache.
     Â Â Â different than the directory....

     I don't recongize the exact error, but it sounds like you should remove
     the CMakeCache.txt file from your amber20_src/build directory, and start
     over with ./run_cmake. See if that eliminates the error message.

     Â Â Â [ 96%] Building CXX object
     Â Â Â src/pmemd/src/cuda/CMakeFiles/pmemd_cuda_DPFP.dir/gpu.cpp.o
     Â Â Â Ã
     Â Â Â project/data/amber20_src/src/pmemd/src/cuda/gpu.cpp:5890:53:error:
     Â Â Â was not declared in this scope
     Â Â Â gpu->sim.NLAtomsPerWarpBits = ffs(atomsPerWarp) - 1;

     I've not seen this error before. Can you say what operating system and
     compiler version you are using? I don't even see (at a quick glance) where
     ffs is supposed to be declared.....
     AMBER mailing list


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Received on Wed Jan 27 2021 - 12:30:03 PST
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