Re: [AMBER] Non-integer/zero charges from RESP fitting?

From: David A Case <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 08:15:17 -0500

On Tue, Jan 12, 2021, Kenneth Huang wrote:

>The odd thing I've noticed is that while the canonical nucleosides
>themselves add up to zero, my modified NAs are all very slightly off
>(0.000001). My instinct is that it's a rounding error, but when I check the
>output, it says the net charge should be 0,
>> Reading input for molecule 6 weight: 1.000
>> inosine
>> Total charge (ich): 0
>> Number of centers: 30

The "Total charge (ich)" look like an integer, not a real number.

>Which from my limited understanding of it, looks like it should restrict
>the charge to N decimal places (6?) which leaves me puzzled as why it'd be
>unable to zero the charges, instead of leaving them at 0.000001? Or am I
>missing something very obvious?

It's actually quite tricky to take a list of floating point numbers that add
up to zero (to some very small tolerance, like 10^-12 or better), and
convert them into a list that, when printed with an F12.6 format, appear to
add to zero with no roundoff. Ideas are welcome; maybe Dave Cerutti knows
how this problem is handled in mdgx.

If you are making just a limited number of units, the only workaround I know
of is to just hand-edit the output .mol2 or .off files, and force the
charges to add up to exactly zero. Or, just ignore the problem.


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Received on Wed Jan 13 2021 - 05:30:03 PST
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