Hi Dear all.
I used to work with amber14 GPU code, ubuntu14, cuda6.5 GTX 970 and usually
it works well,, but sometimes my computer fails, so I bought a new CPU
and a GTX 1660 and I installed amber14 GPU code, ubuntu14.04, cuda 7.5 and
installation was ok, but when I run a molecular dynamic, appears the next
cudaMemcpyToSymbol: SetSim copy to cSim failed invalid device symbol
I have read something about this in amber forum and many people say that it
could be a problem with CUDA version. Then, I upgrade to CUDA version 10.0
and when compile amber14 GPU code, it says that amber14 only supports cuda
can Anybod help me please ?
Thanks in advance.
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Received on Sat Nov 28 2020 - 01:30:02 PST