Re: [AMBER] amber14 gpu installation failed

From: David A Case <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2020 08:16:50 -0400

On Tue, Jul 07, 2020, Carlos wrote:
>I tried to install amber14 on a 940mx GPU butt failed. The message is:
>amber14 GPU needs cuda 5.0 5.5 6.0 or 6.5
>I have Ubuntu 14.10 ver. AMD-64, Ambertools 14 and first, I install CUDA
>7.5 but it sn't work. then, I install cuda 6.5 but it automaticaly update
>to CUDA 10.1.
>is there any way to make it work with CUDA 7.5?

You could try commenting out the code in $AMBERHOME/src/configure2 that
specifies what versions of CUDA you can use. I'm not sure if this will work,
but it's probably just the case that CUDA versions like 7.5 were not available
back in 2014.

You should really consider upgrading to Amber20, which is compatible with CUDA
10.x and which has six years worth of improvements and bug fixes.


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Received on Wed Jul 08 2020 - 05:30:02 PDT
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