[AMBER] amber14 gpu installation failed

From: Carlos <carlos.rom.74he.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2020 22:42:57 -0500

Hi dear all:

I tried to install amber14 on a 940mx GPU butt failed. The message is:
amber14 GPU needs cuda 5.0 5.5 6.0 or 6.5

I have Ubuntu 14.10 ver. AMD-64, Ambertools 14 and first, I install CUDA
7.5 but it sn't work. then, I install cuda 6.5 but it automaticaly update
to CUDA 10.1.

is there any way to make it work with CUDA 7.5?

Thanks in advance

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Received on Tue Jul 07 2020 - 21:00:04 PDT
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