Below is the info I got when typing in the commands.
[ebill.cs-127a-26042 amber18]$ which mpicc
/usr/bin/which: no mpicc in (/home/ebill/amber18/bin:/home/ebill/amber18/bin:/home/ebill/amber18/bin:/home/ebill/.local/bin:/home/ebill/bin:/usr/share/Modules/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin)
[ebill.cs-127a-26042 amber18]$ mpicc show
bash: mpicc: command not found...
From: David Case <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2019 8:37 PM
To: Billiot, Eugene <>
Subject: Amber18 download instructions
Re: Downloading Amber 18
Thanks for your order of Amber18. You may now download the distribution here:
web site:
password: stp429z
(Please note that both the login and password are case-sensitive: enter
exactly as written above.) The file will be available for one month.
(Let us know if you need more time.)
The resulting file, "Amber18.tar.bz2" must be uncompressed with bunzip2,
and extracted with "tar". On most systems, the command 'tar xvfj
Amber18.tar.bz2' should work.
[Specifically, the size of the file should be 86750202 bytes, and the
md5sum should be 6b38d9cfb6e33b719bdf7fe73b26e841.]
Please note: you also need to download and extract the source code
version of AmberTools19 from this site:
Both Amber18 and AmberTools19 should be extracted into the same directory
tree, whose head will be 'amber18'. [Please do *not* extract these files
into an existing 'amberxx' directory.]
If you have problems with the download itself, please send email to If you have questions or problems about
installing or running the codes, please subscribe to the amber mailing list,
as described at
...regards...dave case
for the Amber development team
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Dec 20 2019 - 14:30:02 PST