[AMBER] Virtual box with imin = 1 or imin = 5

From: Jerome Eberhardt <jerome.scripps.edu>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 05:24:26 +0000

Hi Amber users,

I know that the virtual box is a recurrent question on the forum, but I cannot wrap my head around this specific problem.

I am currently trying to minimize a whole trajectory (imin = 5) produced by a completely different process (not MD). And sometime, it does not work because during the minimization process it seems that one of the atoms is going beyond the virtual box. But if I isolate this particular frame and run again the minimization with imin = 1, it goes through without any problem. Why?

I tried to use igb = 6 with imin = 5, it does not work neither and if I do the minimization with imin = 1 and igb = 6, it gives me a completely different result at the end, with a positive final energy.

Thanks for your help,


sander -O -i min.inp -o min.out -p protein_system.prmtop -c protein_system.rst7 -ref protein_system.rst7 -x protein_system-min.rst7 -y protein_system.rst7

## INPUT IMIN = 1 ##
Minimization of solvent orientation
  imin = 1, ! imin
  maxcyc = 50, ! (maxcyc - ncyc) steps of CONJ
  ntmin = 0, ! CONJ
  ntb = 0, ! No periodic box, PME is off
  igb = 0, ! In vacuum electrostatics
  cut = 9, ! Non-bonded cutoff
  nsnb = 50, ! Non-bonded list update every 100 steps
  ntc = 1, ! No SHAKE
  ntf = 1, ! Force evaluation, complete interaction is calculated
  ntr = 1, ! Use harmonic constraints
  restraint_wt = 2.5, ! Constraints of 2.5 kcal/mol
  restraintmask = '!.H= & !:WAT', ! Constraints of heavy atoms except WAT
  ntx = 1, ! No velocities in the inpcrd file
  ntwx = 50, ! Every ntwx steps, the coordinates will be written to the mdcrd file
  ioutfm = 0 ! Binary NetCDF trajectory

     50 -3.9771E+03 5.8922E+00 1.0709E+02 H1 4340

 BOND = 546.2850 ANGLE = 923.4480 DIHED = 2521.1605
 VDWAALS = 2749.6095 EEL = -21571.2602 HBOND = 0.0000
 1-4 VDW = 872.4954 1-4 EEL = 9640.5688 RESTRAINT = 340.6237
 EAMBER = -4317.6932

## INPUT IMIN = 5 ##
Minimization of solvent orientation
  imin = 5, ! Apply to every frame in the input traj
  maxcyc = 50, ! (maxcyc - ncyc) steps of CONJ
  ntmin = 0, ! SD + CONJ
  ntb = 0, ! No periodic box, PME is off
  igb = 0, ! In vacuum electrostatics
  cut = 9, ! Non-bonded cutoff
  nsnb = 50, ! Non-bonded list update every 100 steps
  ntc = 1, ! No SHAKE
  ntf = 1, ! Force evaluation, complete interaction is calculated
  ntr = 1, ! Use harmonic constraints
  restraint_wt = 2.5, ! Constraints of 2.5 kcal/mol
  restraintmask = '!.H= & !:WAT', ! Constraints of heavy atoms except WAT
  ntx = 1, ! No velocities in the inpcrd file
  ntwx = 50, ! Every ntwx steps, the coordinates will be written to the mdcrd file
  ioutfm = 0 ! Binary NetCDF trajectory

 Frac coord min, max: 0.24816694982858301 7.9791926973270986
 The system has extended beyond
     the extent of the virtual box.
 Restarting sander will recalculate
    a new virtual box with 30 Angstroms
    extra on each side, if there is a
    restart file for this configuration.
 SANDER BOMB in subroutine Routine: map_coords (ew_force.f)
 Atom out of bounds. If a restart has been written,
 restarting should resolve the error

protein_system.rst7: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j429pmsrppzeccb/protein_system.rst7<https://pastebin.com/XQhy36RM>
protein_system.prmtop: https://www.dropbox.com/s/viduowi9uta424d/protein_system.prmtop
protein_system-min.rst7: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ep62kx275iynbsx/protein_system-min.rst7

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Received on Sun Dec 15 2019 - 21:30:02 PST
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