Re: [AMBER] error

From: Bill Ross <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 11:26:17 -0800

Dynamics restrt files would have velocities.


On 12/12/19 1:13 AM, MYRIAN TORRES RICO wrote:
> Thank you a lot!! I'm going to probe your ideas, and I hope to work.
> The global idea was to carry out a second molecular dynamics more
> shorter with restrictions to correct the molecular dynamics previous,
> so that's why I need my final file as a restart file.
> Myriam
> Bill Ross <> escribió:
>> When minimizing, there are no velocities.
>> Bill
>> On 12/11/19 9:36 AM, James Kress wrote:
>>> Is there any particular reason the restart files do not contain velocities?
>>> It seems to me that a "true restart" would need to have coordinates and
>>> velocities to accurately continue an interrupted run?
>>> What am I not understanding?
>>> Jim
>>> James Kress Ph.D., President
>>> The KressWorksR Institute
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>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: David A Case <>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 11:41 AM
>>> To: AMBER Mailing List <>
>>> Subject: Re: [AMBER] error
>>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2019, MYRIAN TORRES RICO wrote:
>>>> Exactly, I want to run pmemd using final trayectory (.mdcrd) instead
>>>> firsts coordinates (.crd).
>>> You can't do this (directly): trajectory files have lots of coordinates
>>> (frames) in them, whereas a restart file has only one set of coordinates.
>>> pmemd doesn't know how to start from a trajectory file.
>>> Do you have a "final" restart file (created with the "-r" flag)? Might that
>>> not be what you want here, as a starting point for the next MD segment?
>>> If not, do this: use cpptraj, with trajin being the trajectory file:
>>> choose the frame you wish to use. Set trajout to write a restart file.
>>> Then you can use the restart file you just created. It won't have any
>>> velocities, so you will have to set ntx=1 and tempi to the initial
>>> temperature you want.
>>> ....hope this helps....dac
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