Re: [AMBER] how to load amber rst file in vmd for observing box size

From: Fabian Glaser <>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 19:09:41 +0300

Yes i found the safe problem, try to convert to pdb, you can use the
following one liner

cpptraj -p topology-file.prmtop -y coordinate-file.rst7 -x output-file.pdb

And then use chimera vmd etc to visualize



On Wed, Sep 4, 2019, 18:05 Sadaf Rani <> wrote:

> Dear Amber users
> I have run constant pressure constant temperature equilibration. I want to
> look for the box size for the but when I load .prmtop file in vmd and load
> .rst file on it, vmd stops working and vmd window shows that this file
> could not be read. Could anyone please suggest me which files to load in
> vmd and analyze box.
> Thanks in advance.
> Sadaf
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