[AMBER] pdb file with 4 atoms coordinates of water molecules with TIP4PFB model

From: bjyx20090941 <bjyx20090941.163.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 20:41:16 +0800 (CST)

Dear amber:
      I used TIP4PFB force field to run explicit water in MD simulation with Amber16. We all konw that the TIP4PFB as same as TIP4P model has every 4 atoms coordinates of H2O in water.mdcrd file. While when I used cpptraj module generating: trajin *.mdcrd 1 1 1 trajout *.pdb
     I found the generating *.pdb file just have 3 atoms coordinates like O H1 H2, which is differ from the TIP4PFB model file with O H1 H2 EP 4 atoms coordinates. But I want the pdb file with4 atoms coordinates. So is there any command i do not kown for this in capptraj module, just not use python or fortran by myself.

I am hope hear from you!

Best Wishes

Fangjia Fu
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 18 2019 - 06:00:11 PDT
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