[AMBER] AMBER18 on RTX 2080Ti

From: Rui Sun <ruisun.hawaii.edu>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 12:53:23 -1000

Dear AMBER Users,

I was wondering if I could get some information on the performance of
AMBER18 on the recently-released RTX 2080Ti. How is it comparing to Titan V?

Currently, I am considering buying a few GPU nodes and I am currently
debating between the following two configurations:
#1: 4 units of Titan V + 2 units of Intel Gold 5115 per node
#2: 8 units of RTX 2080 + 2 units of Intel Gold 5115 per node

Thank you so much,

*Rui Sun*
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bilger 245B
2545 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822-2275
Phone: (808) 956-3207
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Dec 14 2018 - 15:00:03 PST
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