[AMBER] new amber mailing list for beginner questions

From: Paul Westphälinger <paul_westphaelinger.ewetel.net>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 12:19:28 +0100

Hallo dear amber developers,

my question is simple, would it be possible to create an amber
mailinglist strictly for questions about tutorial and installation as
well as other questions about how to use the program?

My reasoning is as follows: I like to stay informed about bugs features
and other important topics concerning amber or MD in general, but my
inbox is full of questions about compiling amber and why something in a
tutorial does not work.

 From my experience trying to report bugs in amber, I also get the
impression that developers probably don't pay a lot of attention to the
mailing list, simply because of the amount of this kind of beginner
questions makes it very hard to differentiate between important messages
and the rest. Wouldn't it be sensible to split these two topics into two
mailing lists?

Just wanted to give my thoughts.


Paul Westphälinger

AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Nov 15 2018 - 03:30:02 PST
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