Re: [AMBER] Building distributable executable

From: David Case <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 08:52:30 -0400

On Tue, May 16, 2017, D'Auria, Raffaella wrote:
> While trying to build Amber 16 with the intel compiler I realized
> that the xHost flag is now sprinkled in many configure files and
> makefiles. Since I need to build an executable that will run across
> different processors (on a heterogeneous cluster) the xHost flag is a
> problem (since it will generate a processor-specific executable). Is
> there any option that will allow me to get rid of it without having to
> edit any config/makefile where xHost may be?

Can you be more specific? The xHost flag should only be in the single
config.h created by the configure script (which actually calls
AmberTools/src/configure2 to do the real work.) Note that a couple of
other "config.h" scripts are just links to the master one, so that editing
the config.h in $AMBERHOME changes all of them.

Bottom line: you *should* be able to just hand-edit $AMBERHOME/config.h to
remove the xHost invocations after the ./configure step but before the
"make install" step. It's certainly worth a try.

You mention that xHost shows up in Makefiles as well, but I don't readily see
that, but I haven't examined every one. Try the suggestion above, and let us
know details of what (if anything) goes wrong.


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Received on Wed May 17 2017 - 06:00:07 PDT
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