Re: [AMBER] AMBER14 testing error

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2015 11:47:11 -0400

On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 3:25 AM, Mahmoud A. A. Ibrahim <> wrote:

> Dear All
> Thanks first for Marcelo and Hai for their support.
> Replacing OS is an impossible option in case of using high-performance
> computer.

​Replacing the OS is never a suggested course of action (although Amber is
not really supported on Windows, any Linux variant should work fine).

> As well, installation of further python versions may result in
> deep technical issues related to other software.

​This is not true.​ Python installations are isolated from each other.
There is no need to replace the system Python (version 2.6) in order to
install a Python version 2.7 or later, and it will not interfere with
anything using Python 2.6.

​In fact, I've been convinced that no Python version less than 2.7 is worth
supporting anymore. Here is a nice post and explanation from a Red Hat
developer (who is also a core Python developer) explaining why Python 2.6
and older is not worth supporting:

​With packages like Anaconda and Miniconda, installing a version of Python
2.7 or later has actually never been easier -- and you don't even need root
privileges to do it.

The problem of python2.6 with openmm package in AMBER14 would be solved by
> replacing the headline of file with
> from __future__ import with_statement
> In our case, this solution works well and the test stage was passed
> successfully.
> So, we believe should be updated in the source files of
> AMBER14.

​Yes, this change will work for now. But ParmEd in the next version of
Amber will not work at all with Python 2.6. You will *need* to upgrade to
Python 2.7 or later. Most HPC clusters I've seen actually have a "module"
for Python 2.7. Something like "module load python/2.7" will drop a newer
version of python into your PATH.

All the best,

Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sat Oct 31 2015 - 09:00:04 PDT
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