What prmtop are you using to visualize?
If you strip waters from your trajectory, you can't use a prmtop that still has waters in it to visualize.
You can use the outprefix keyword to strip to print a corresponding prmtop that you CAN use to visualize.
Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
> On Oct 30, 2015, at 5:24 PM, Robert Molt <rwmolt07.gmail.com> wrote:
> I am mystified as to what I am doing wrong that I cannot load trajectory
> frames into VMD properly. I use PBCs. I have an explicitly solvated
> system; I can load the trajectory just fine into VMD. When I strip out
> the water,
> After some problems, I re-did the calculation to have only 5 frames for
> simplicity of analysis.
> cpptraj prmtop
> trajin 03_Helix.mdcrd 1 5 1
> strip :WAT
> autoimage
> trajout file.crd
> go
> quit
> At no point do I get any errors in cpptraj. When I load the prmtop file
> as an Amber7Parm in VMD, followed by loading a Amber Coordinates with
> Periodic Box file, no frames actually load in VMD.
> I must assume I am missing something obvious?
> --
> Dr. Robert Molt Jr.
> r.molt.chemical.physics.gmail.com
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