On Thu, Oct 29, 2015, Karolina Markowska wrote:
> I was trying to reproduce the simulation from this tutorial:
> http://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial22/ using original files and
> scripts. I was using Amber14 with AmberTools 14.
> I ran my simulation on a single Titan Black GPU and according to mdinfo
> file it will last about 132 hours. I have Amber compiled with Cuda Toolkit
> 6.5 and the driver version is 340.29.
> Should it run so long or does that mean that something is wrong with
> software and/or hardware?
If you want to check the timings on your machine vs what other get, it is much
better to use some of the benchmarks posted here:
They are far shorter, for one thing. And they are more up to date. Numbers
for the Titan Black, however, are not there, so you may have to do some
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Received on Thu Oct 29 2015 - 05:00:04 PDT