Re: [AMBER] donor and acceptor masks

From: Emilio Lence <>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2015 16:23:24 +0200

Hi Hadeer
It's donormask and acceptormask, in one word, not with spaces.
Second, you only need to specify the heavy atom not the hydrogen bound to
it, or at least I never did it
I will probably specify in the trajin line the keyword 'binpos' that
corresponds to the type of trajectory you are using, because I think that
ptraj understand by default the traditional mdcrd files.
the final line I do not know if it's OK, because I never used ptraj for the
hbond analysis, I use cpptraj, the new utility that eventually will
substitute ptraj. In my case I used something like this:

/panfs/panasas01/chem/chxrl/amber_gpu/amber12/bin/cpptraj $TOP << EOF
trajin $NC netcdf 1 5000 10
hbond acceptormask :240 solventdonor :WAT dist 3.5 out HB_ac_KQ.dat avgout
hbond donormask :240 solventacceptor :WAT dist 3.5 out HB_do_KQ.dat avgout

Hope this is useful to you.
Have a nice weekend

2015-10-17 16:06 GMT+02:00 Hadeer ELHabashy <>:

> Dear sir
> Kindly which one of the following commands are functioning correctly with
> cpptraj of Ambertools 15 ?
> file.trajin
> trajin md.binpos
> donor mask :1.N
> acceptor mask :6.OXT :1.H1
> hbond print .05 series hbt
> and every time i got such errors
> Error: 'donor' is deprecated.
> Hydrogen bond acceptors and donors are defined within the 'hbond' action.
> Error: Unrecognized character in expression: :
> 'donor mask :1.N': Invalid command or expression.
> 'donor mask ALA N': Invalid command or expression.
> 'donormask:1.N': Invalid command or expression.
> Regards
> Hadeer
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Dr. Emilio Lence Quintana
Organic Chemistry Department-CIQUS
University of Santiago de Compostela
15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sat Oct 17 2015 - 07:30:04 PDT
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