[AMBER] Not atom type for Bromine atom in amber GAFF force field?

From: MarcZhang <progress0935zhang.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 18:42:08 +0200

Dear Amber user group


I met a problem when I generated prmtop and inpcrp files for a complex
system of a protein with coligand: Tetrabromobisphenol A (PDB ligand ID:XDI)


I generated .lib and .frcmod for the coligand successively.


However, tleap reported these lines when generating prmtop and inpcrp files
for the complex system.


Added missing heavy atom: .R<TBP 723>.A<BrAH 32>

Added missing heavy atom: .R<TBP 723>.A<BrAG 27>

Added missing heavy atom: .R<TBP 723>.A<BrAF 8>

Added missing heavy atom: .R<TBP 723>.A<BrAE 4>


Checking Unit.

FATAL: Atom .R<TBP 723>.A<BRAE 33> does not have a type.

FATAL: Atom .R<TBP 723>.A<BRAF 34> does not have a type.

FATAL: Atom .R<TBP 723>.A<BRAG 35> does not have a type.

FATAL: Atom .R<TBP 723>.A<BRAH 36> does not have a type.

Checking parameters for unit 'Complex'.

Checking for bond parameters.

Could not find bond parameter for: ca -

Could not find bond parameter for: ca -

Could not find bond parameter for: ca -

Could not find bond parameter for: ca -

Checking for angle parameters.

Could not find angle parameter: br - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: ca - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: ca - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: br - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: ca - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: ca - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: ca - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: br - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: ca - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: ca - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: br - ca -

Could not find angle parameter: ca - ca -


Does this indicates that there are no atom type for bromine atom attaching
to aromatic system?


Could you please instruct me how to solve this issue?


Thanks a lot for your help!





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Received on Thu Oct 15 2015 - 10:00:05 PDT
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