[AMBER] A question about MMPBSA calculation

From: anu chandra <anu80125.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 17:14:08 +0100

Dear Amber users,

I am trying to calculate the binding free energy change for the protein
complex I am working with. The system contains protein A-ligand complexed
with protein B and protein C. I also have another system of unliganded
protein A complexed with protein B and protein C. Now, I am trying to
calculate the binding free energy change in protein A with B and C. I have
few queries here regarding setting up the complex for the MMPBSA.py

In all calculation, I will be considering Protein A ( with or without
ligand) as receptor.

1. If I want to calculate the free energy between protein A with protein B,
do I need to consider protein C in the complex and receptor? i.e.,

                           Complex : protein A+protein B+protein C
                           Receptor : protein A+protein C
                           Ligand : protein B

2. Do I need to consider ligand bound to the protein A as a part of
receptor while using protein A as the receptor?

Many thanks in advance

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Received on Mon Oct 12 2015 - 09:30:04 PDT
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