I'm trying to calculate hydrogen bonds between two residues using the bond command.
Could somebody please tell me what I'm doing wrong. The commands are listed below.
> atominfo :97
#Atom Name #Res Name #Mol Type Charge Mass GBradius El
1577 N 97 TYR 1 N -0.4157 14.0100 1.5500 N
1578 H 97 TYR 1 H 0.2719 1.0080 1.3000 H
1579 CA 97 TYR 1 CX -0.0014 12.0100 1.7000 C
1580 HA 97 TYR 1 H1 0.0876 1.0080 1.3000 H
1581 CB 97 TYR 1 CT -0.0152 12.0100 1.7000 C
1582 HB2 97 TYR 1 HC 0.0295 1.0080 1.3000 H
1583 HB3 97 TYR 1 HC 0.0295 1.0080 1.3000 H
1584 CG 97 TYR 1 CA -0.0011 12.0100 1.7000 C
1585 CD1 97 TYR 1 CA -0.1906 12.0100 1.7000 C
1586 HD1 97 TYR 1 HA 0.1699 1.0080 1.3000 H
1587 CE1 97 TYR 1 CA -0.2341 12.0100 1.7000 C
1588 HE1 97 TYR 1 HA 0.1656 1.0080 1.3000 H
1589 CZ 97 TYR 1 C 0.3226 12.0100 1.7000 C
1590 OH 97 TYR 1 OH -0.5579 16.0000 1.5000 O
1591 HH 97 TYR 1 HO 0.3992 1.0080 0.8000 H
1592 CE2 97 TYR 1 CA -0.2341 12.0100 1.7000 C
1593 HE2 97 TYR 1 HA 0.1656 1.0080 1.3000 H
1594 CD2 97 TYR 1 CA -0.1906 12.0100 1.7000 C
1595 HD2 97 TYR 1 HA 0.1699 1.0080 1.3000 H
1596 C 97 TYR 1 C 0.5973 12.0100 1.7000 C
1597 O 97 TYR 1 O -0.5679 16.0000 1.5000 O
> atominfo :131
#Atom Name #Res Name #Mol Type Charge Mass GBradius El
2147 N 131 GLN 2 N -0.4157 14.0100 1.5500 N
2148 H 131 GLN 2 H 0.2719 1.0080 1.3000 H
2149 CA 131 GLN 2 CX -0.0031 12.0100 1.7000 C
2150 HA 131 GLN 2 H1 0.0850 1.0080 1.3000 H
2151 CB 131 GLN 2 2C -0.0036 12.0100 1.7000 C
2152 HB2 131 GLN 2 HC 0.0171 1.0080 1.2000 H
2153 HB3 131 GLN 2 HC 0.0171 1.0080 1.2000 H
2154 CG 131 GLN 2 2C -0.0645 12.0100 1.7000 C
2155 HG2 131 GLN 2 HC 0.0352 1.0080 1.2000 H
2156 HG3 131 GLN 2 HC 0.0352 1.0080 1.2000 H
2157 CD 131 GLN 2 C 0.6951 12.0100 1.7000 C
2158 OE1 131 GLN 2 O -0.6086 16.0000 1.5000 O
2159 NE2 131 GLN 2 N -0.9407 14.0100 1.5500 N
2160 HE21 131 GLN 2 H 0.4251 1.0080 1.3000 H
2161 HE22 131 GLN 2 H 0.4251 1.0080 1.3000 H
2162 C 131 GLN 2 C 0.5973 12.0100 1.7000 C
2163 O 131 GLN 2 O -0.5679 16.0000 1.5000 O
> hbond donormask :97 acceptormask:131 out Nhb.dat avgout avdhb.dat
Error: Tokenize: Wrong syntax [a]
HBOND: Donor mask is :97, acceptors will be searched for in region specified by acceptormask:131
Distance cutoff = 3.000, Angle Cutoff = 135.000
Dumping # Hbond v time results to Nhb.dat
Dumping Hbond avgs to avdhb.dat
Dr Khushwant Sidhu
Senior Experimental Officer / I. T. Professional
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology,
1/61 Henry Wellcome Building , University of Leicester,
Lancaster Road,
T: 0116 229 7237
E: k.sidhu.le.ac.uk<mailto:k.sidhu.le.ac.uk>
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Received on Fri Oct 09 2015 - 08:00:05 PDT