Re: [AMBER] mixing rules for various water models in AMBER

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2015 01:27:28 -0400

On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 12:14 AM, conor parks <> wrote:

> hello,
> I am interested in using either the tip3p or SPC/e water models in a
> glycine simulation I am trying to perform. However, I am slightly confused
> about the mixing rules between atom pairs for the water molecules. Amber
> uses an arithmetic average to generate the epsilon sigma pairs. OPLS, on
> the other hand, uses geometric averages. However, I see people simulating
> using amber with tip3p, and other instances using OPLS with tip3p.What is
> the appropriate mixing rule for these various water models when I am
> simulating the rest of my system using the amber force field?

​The mixing rules are Lorentz-Berthelot (i.e., geometric mean for epsilon
and ​
arithmetic mean for sigma). This is the case with all TIPnP and SPCE water
models in Amber (and, I believe, in CHARMM as well).


Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sat Oct 03 2015 - 22:30:03 PDT
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