[AMBER] Antechamber error

From: Kalenkiewicz, Andrew (NIH/NICHD) [F] <"Kalenkiewicz,>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 18:38:43 +0000

Dear Amber Mailing list,

I am attempting to use a gaussian output file to generate a mol2 file with the correct information to generation force field libraries for an MD simulation. I tried the following command:

antechamber -fi gout -fo mol2 -i gaussian.log -o mol.mol2 -c resp

This invariably gives the error:

Error: cannot run "/usr/local/apps/amber/amber14//bin/espgen -o ANTECHAMBER.ESP -i gaussian.log" in resp() of charge.c properly, exit

The antechamber troubleshooting page<http://ambermd.org/antechamber/tips.html> seems to suggest that a possible source of error is that the coordinate information from the gaussian output file may have two many digits. However the correct solution to this problem is not entirely clear. I see this error message has shown up before in the Amber archives e.g. here: http://archive.ambermd.org/200910/0428.html

Best wishes,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 15 2015 - 12:00:06 PDT
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