Re: [AMBER] Fwd: Tleap atom type - template not found

From: David A Case <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 07:59:24 -0400

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015, Balaji Selvam wrote:
> Running tleap shows error as atom type has no template

We would need much more information than this to be of any help. Please try
to construct a minimial example of the problem. It is likely that just
listing the *exact* error message would be a big first step. Please use
Google to search for that error message first, to see if it is one of the
common ones users encounter.


> Editing the files in xleap visualizer shows some protein atoms as crystal
> shape lattice (like rectangular box) with out bond connection

LEaP is just showing you the coordinates that it was given.

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Received on Tue Apr 28 2015 - 05:00:04 PDT
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