[AMBER] Carbon nanotube simulation

From: Pierre Bertin <bertinp71.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 00:51:08 -0600

Dear users,

I am trying to simulate a carbon nanotube in water. There are lot's of
papers, so I have the parameters for each field of .frcmod file. I have
also generated prmtop and inpcrd file from leap, where I charged ff14SB,
gaff and cnt.frcmod (from parmchk2 and then edited to correct some
parameters to write papers found and accepted parameters).

*The problem* : After the minimisation and heating (300K), when I visualize
heat.mdcrd file all carbon atoms are missplaced in the box extremities and
waters molecules take the carbon nanotube place... The carbon nanotube is

This kind of behavior is revelating a wrong force field, right? Do I have
to edit a .lib file and charge it with loadOff in leap for the carbon
nanotube molecule?

​Thank you a lot for your time and possible answers o ways to solve this

*Pierre BERTIN*
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics student (MSc),
University Paris-Sud XI, ORSAY.

AMBER mailing list

(image/png attachment: CNT_endsimul.png)

Received on Fri Apr 17 2015 - 00:00:03 PDT
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