Hi, all:
I run targeted MD with the .in file shown as below,
#regular vacuum md, backbone restrained
imin = 0, ntx = 1, nstlim = 50000, irest=0,
dt = 0.002, ntc = 2, ntf = 2,
temp0 = 50.0,
ntpr = 500, ntwx = 500, ntwr = 50000,
ntb = 2, ntt = 3, ntp=1,
nscm = 0, nmropt = 1,
ntr = 1, restraint_wt=50,
itgtmd = 1, tgtrmsd = 6.1919, tgtmdfrc = 5,
TYPE='TGTRMSD', istep1=1, istep2=25000,
value1 = 6.1919, value2 = 0.0,
TYPE='TGTRMSD', istep1=25000, istep2=50000,
value1 = 0.0, value2 = 0.0,
However, it gives me the error as :
vlimit exceeded for step 48; vmax = 235.5863
Coordinate resetting (SHAKE) cannot be accomplished,
deviation is too large
NITER, NIT, LL, I and J are : 0 0 3905 7743 7744
Note: This is usually a symptom of some deeper
problem with the energetics of the system."
Could anyone tell me what's wrong with it and how to run it correctly?
Thank you very much!
Li Xiao
University of California, Irvine
Email: xiaoli19871216.gmail.com
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Received on Fri Apr 17 2015 - 00:00:03 PDT