On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Emilio Angelina <
emilioluisangelina.hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to compute some properties derived from charge density on one
> or more snapshots from molecular dynamics trajectories by performing QM
> calculations.
> Since computing these properties on a single structure might be
> meaningless, I was thinking in performing a clustering analysis using
> ptraj, pick a representative structure from each cluster and compute the QM
> properties on each of those representative structures.
> Then, my problem is how to combine the QM results from all the snapshots
> to get a single result, for example a single interaction energy that then I
> can compare with binding affinity experimental data.
> Would it be possible to weight the results from each representative
> structure by its Boltzman weight?
> Or should I just average the results?
> I know that the best way of taking into account the Boltzman distribution
> would be to take a very large number of independent snapshots from
> trajectory just like in MM-PBSA but, since the QM calulations are too
> expensive I only can take a small number of frames, so I would need a way
> to explicitly compute the Boltzman weights.
I would do a weighted average by the cluster populations (which should,
themselves, be Boltzmann-weighted by virtue of running a MD or proper MC
So the average I would do would be something like this:
<A> = SUM_x( Nx * A(X) ) / Ntot
where the summation runs over all clusters (x), X is the centroid of
cluster x, Nx is the number of points in cluster x, and Ntot is the total
number of points in the trajectory.
Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Apr 07 2015 - 12:00:03 PDT