On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Wong, Sook (NIH/NCATS) [V]
<sook.wong.nih.gov> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am facing an issue on converting the DPPC membrane PDB from charmm to lipid14 using charmmlipid2amber. Ended up with the following:
> [****]$ charmmlipid2amber.py -i step5_assembly.pdb \ -c path/AmberTools/src/etc/charmmlipid2amber/charmmlipid2amber.csv \ -o step5.pdb
> Usage: charmmlipid2amber.py [-c charmmlipid2amber.csv] -i input.pdb -o output.pdb
What happens if you remove the backslash characters ('\') when you
enter the command?
> There is no output pdb generated from the command and I am not sure why. Appreciate if anyone can help.
> -Sook
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