On Tue, Feb 17, 2015, MOHD HOMAIDUR RAHMAN wrote:
> Checking for updates...
> Warning: AMBERHOME [None] differs from expected [/usr/local/sware/amber14].
> No changes will be made until this is fixed
> I check the AMBERHOME path, it is right path where I already set
> rahman.rahman-R530-R730 /usr/local/sware/amber14 $ echo $AMBERHOME
> /usr/local/sware/amber14
You probably need to export your AMBERHOME variable, so that sub-shells
can find it. Type "export AMBERHOME" if you are using the bash or zsh shells;
type "setenv AMBERHOME" if you are using the c-shell.
....hope this helps....dac
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 17 2015 - 07:30:07 PST