Dear list subscribers,
I am very happy to announce that also this year, the traditional
Molecular Modelling Workshop in Erlangen takes place on
March, Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th, 2015.
Just passing the deadline (Feb 13th 2015) for registration and
submitting abstracts, I am happy to inform you that there are five more
slots for contributed talks (25 min each) available!
So please do not hesitate to submit your abstract to
(please not later than Feb 24th 2015). If you decide to submit a poster,
you are utmost welcome!
####### Workshop Information #######
Starting on Monday after lunch should allow to avoid travelling on
weekend keeping the expenses at a minimum. This time, the scientific
program of the meeting is conducted by Dr. Bernd Beck,
Boehringer-Ingelheim, Biberach, Germany. As usual, the workshop is
organised by the german Section of the Molecular Graphics and Modelling
####### Plenary Speakers #######
Over the last few decades computational chemistry, molecular modelling,
and chemoinformatics became more and more an integral part of research
in various areas of the chemical industry and at universities. A lot of
new tools and new approaches together with a huge increase in computer
power facilitates this development. Nevertheless there are still
research topics where currently no or only limited support by in-silico
methods is possible.
We are very pleased to announce
Prof. Anna Linusson
University of Umeå, Sweden
Dr. Karl-Heinz Baringhaus
Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
to discuss some of these topics from an academic and an pharmaceutical
industry point of view.
####### Poster and Lecture Awards #######
As in the past years, there will be two poster awards of EUR 100 each
and three lecture awards for the best oral presentations:
1st Winner: Travel bursary to attend the Young Modeller's Forum in
London, UK, plus a speaker slot option at YMF (travel expenses are
reimbursed up to EUR 500)
2nd Winner: EUR 200 travel expenses reimbursement
3rd Winner: EUR 100 travel expenses reimbursement
Only undergraduate and graduate research students qualify for the
poster and lecture awards.
####### Registration #######
As every year, an interesting and successful workshop depends on your
contributions! Therefore let me invite you to submit talks and/or poster
titles via the registration form accessible on the workshop website
This website will provide all necessary information about the meeting!
The deadline for all submissions is February 13th, 2015.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Erlangen soon!
-Bernd Beck
Scientific Committe Workshop Organisation 2015
-Harald Lanig
Chairman of the MGMS-DS e.V.
PD Dr. Harald Lanig Universitaet Erlangen/Nuernberg
Zentralinstitut fuer Scientific Computing (ZISC)
Geschaeftsfuehrer Martensstrasse 5a, 91058 Erlangen
Fon +49 9131-85 20781
Fax +49 9131-85 20785
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Received on Tue Feb 17 2015 - 06:30:03 PST